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Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 24th, 2025

At Pacifica Christian High School, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by celebrating his birthday as a day of reflection, unity, and commitment to justice. Dr. King’s vision for a world where all people are treated with dignity and equality aligns with the core values we hold as a Christian community. We believe that all human beings are made in the image of God, deserving of the utmost dignity and respect as His children. Dr. King’s dream was not just for racial equality, but for a society where God's love transcends all boundaries and divisions.

On this day, we are reminded of the powerful truth that in God’s Kingdom, people from every nation, tribe, and tongue will gather together to worship the Lord in unity and peace. The path for justice and equality is an extension of our call to love our neighbors, to seek righteousness, and to honor every person as a reflection of God’s image.

As we celebrate Dr. King’s birthday, we commit ourselves to his vision of a beloved community, where we acknowledge our unique qualities while celebrating the inherent worth of every individual. This day calls us to action, encouraging us to live out the Gospel by working toward truth, beauty and goodness in our world, so that one day, all people can stand together, united in the love of Christ.

Posted in the category Pacifica Values.