Preparing students to excel at top institutions

A Pacifica education readies students for future study at top universities, with a well-balanced and rigorous academic curriculum and graduation requirements that exceed the minimum University of California standards. Our program leads students on a four-year journey through the humanities, sciences, and the arts while focusing on the Great Conversation of the Western tradition, utilizing the tools of inquiry and rhetoric. It also develops a student’s analytical, problem-solving, entrepreneurial, and technological skills, preparing him or her for a vital role in the 21st Century economy. Pacifica is committed to promoting and encouraging an authentic joy of learning helping students develop a vision for the future and the courage to enact that vision.

“True education is an encounter with truth, beauty, and goodness that requires students to question constantly, think deeply, and defend their ideas. It is the recognition that your questions have been asked before and that your voice is joining the Great Conversation not as a mere echo but as a distinct note in the symphony of human experience.”  – Scott Comer, History Department Chair


Pacifica Academic Distinctions

1. Unmatched Personal Connection to Teachers

Pacifica staff are apt in the art of teaching, experts in their fields, mature in their faith, and passionate about teaching teenagers. This is a recipe for a loving, thriving environment of learning. Learn what sets our teachers apart >

2. Leisure in Learning Paradigm

The leisure in learning model provides time and space for students to think deeply, with an emphasis on higher-level observation, in-depth analysis, and clear articulation of thoughts. Pacifica students learn best in an academic atmosphere of scola (leisure) rather than negotium (business), driving imagination and intellectual ownership.

3. Four-Year College Preparatory Path

Students are given the analytical, communication, problem-solving, and organizational tools to thrive in college. They develop grit, hone their relational skills, and grow in faith and virtue. From freshman to senior year, the college office guides students through the process giving students the essential information necessary to craft a competitive college profile. Learn about our college counseling department >

4. Breadth of Academic Options

Pacifica’s course options are vast and feature deep tracks in history, English, science, and engineering, with thirteen AP courses and nine courses at the honors level. Learn about our AP and Honors offerings >

5. Depth of Four Signature Programs

Students can choose to go beyond the core liberal arts requirements and enrich their interests in four areas of in-depth study: PACARTS, STEM, business, and Philosophy & Theology. Learn more about our Signature Programs >


Meet Our Teachers


The following student outcomes guide and inform all that we do at Pacifica. Our goal is to facilitate, cultivate, and encourage each of these characteristics in our students throughout their time here and to make their high school journey one of purpose, meaning, and intentional growth. We believe these qualities will serve our students well in every area of their lives no matter what path they take after high school. 

academic professionals

Academic professionals take ownership of their academic development that is manifested in their speech, comportment, preparation, and execution of scholarly endeavors. They adapt to new circumstances, are self-motivated and produce quality work. Academic professionals are hospitable to the ideas of others seeking to engage, listen and understand rather than dismiss or attack.

Excellent Scholars

Excellent scholars display critical thinking across academic disciplines, have completed a rigorous four-year college preparatory curriculum, persevere when faced with rigor and unexpected challenges, and create time to reflect on and internalize what they have they have learned so that learning will have a transformative impact on their lives.

Effective Communicators

Effective communicators will speak and write with clarity, purpose, authenticity and civility. Their actions will align with their words, thus promoting authenticity and not merely style or polish. They are able to interconnect with others in a variety of ways while retaining their authentic voice and perspective. They will learn to confidently express their thoughts and opinions in their writing and speech. They will communicate with respect toward others and themselves. Students will also traffic in a multitude of technological platforms rife for creative expression with a consistent focus on what is an appropriate balance between the private and the public. The variety of communication will enhance their traditional academic pursuits, stimulate effective problem-solving, and foster originality.

Joyful Learners

Joyful learners find joy, not only in the results of their academic engagement, but in the process of learning as well. Scholarship is recognized as both an end in itself and a means to a deeper understanding of the individual, their purpose in the world and the world itself. Joyful learners possess self-knowledge. They are aware of strengths, areas of growth, gifts, abilities and the relationship of those gifts and areas of growth to God and the community. Because they are self-aware, they graduate with a sense of direction, meaning and purpose.

Virtuous and Courageous Men & Women

Virtuous and courageous men and women hold themselves to high moral standards, pursuing what is good, beautiful, and true. They grow in their own Christian faith or in the understanding of Christian faith taking on the virtues of prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faithfulness, hope and love. They exercise the moral courage necessary to live boldly with meaning and purpose impacting their own lives and the lives of others.

Responsible Citizens

Students learn to value community in their own lives. They seek to build authentic relationships, seeking their own good as well as the good of others. They understand the value of positive critique and creative opposition in their own lives and lives of others. Students are globally aware, understanding important economic, political, religious, and social forces that impact their lives.

Directed Graduates

A student graduates with direction when he or she proactively approaches the post-high school transition by making intentional decisions to strategically reach realistic and informed professional, personal, and existential goals. A student who graduates with direction will likely conceptualize graduation as a transition to somewhere not from somewhere.

Fast Facts


Student to Teacher Ratio


Faculty Hold Advanced Degrees


2022 AP Pass Rate


Average Class Size


of Students Make Honor Roll


Four-Year University Acceptance Rate