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Celebrating the Class of 2024!

June 24th, 2024

Senior Dinner

Each year, all of the graduating seniors and their families gather for a final dinner together in recognition and celebration of the students, their dedicated parents, and our incredible faculty/staff. The Pacifica gym is transformed into an intimate and celebratory environment where families enjoy a catered sit-down meal with each other. It is a special time of reflection and gratitude towards those who have helped our students accomplish this milestone achievement. 

Special recognition is also given to select individuals at the Senior Dinner. Staff members typically speak about all of our salutatorians and valedictorian. This year, Dr. Sumida kicked things off by speaking about one of our Salutatorians Stratton Chanes. He emphasized Stratton’s leadership strength, his humble nature, and his desire to serve others as a committed team member. Nicole Geiger then shared about Isabella Lingel and her endless curiosity paired with an excitement for learning. Pastor Trevor DeBenning commended Andrew Grinsfelder on his admirable character and inspiring faith which has made him a natural leader among his classmates. Head of School Jim Knight then had the opportunity to speak about his youngest daughter and our fourth salutatorian, Ellie Knight. He encouraged her willingness to learn from those before her and praised her desire to build a life, not just a resume. Lastly, Mr. Benedetto spoke about our valedictorian Jonas Williams. Mr. B extolled Jonas’ unique mind and insightful questions throughout his time at Pacifica, and wished him well in his next steps.

Stratton Chanes and Andrew Grinsfelder then spoke to their classmates about their high school journeys. Grinsfelder encouraged his classmates to slow down and take mental pictures of the moments they want to remember most. What a night of celebration!

Grad Nite

Our seniors then hopped on a bus and headed to DisneyLand for Grad Nite! This is a fun senior tradition for high schools all over the west coast. Students and a few staff members spent the day around the park enjoying all of the Disney classics, from riding Space Mountain to consuming churros. At 9:00 PM, everyone made their way over to California Adventure where only seniors from Pacifica and other participating high schools were allowed to roam the park. 

This is a special night for our students to make lasting memories with their classmates as they prepare to graduate. The friendship and joy of our students is on full display during Grad Nite! After a tiring but incredible day of Disney excitement, students headed back to Santa Monica around 2:00 AM. Watch a short recap of their Grad Nite experience here!


The big day finally arrived. Students and families began pouring onto Calvary Christian’s campus to don their gowns and find their seats. The commencement ceremony began with Jim Knight’s Head of School address, taking us through the growth that he has seen in the Class of 2024. Next, our faculty member of the year Katie Savage delivered the commencement address. Salutatorian Ellie Knight shared her reflections on high school and compared the experience of the Class of 2024, who began their freshman year online during COVID, to watching a bonfire take form. Valedictorian Jonas William then addressed his classmates with words about shaping their lives not around the need for material and academic gain, but around community and faith. Wolf PACappella gave a stunning performance of ‘Put Your Records On’ to close out the ceremony.

Students then walked across the stage to claim their diplomas. They turned their tassels, tossed their caps, and became graduates! Graduation is always an emotional day for the Pacifica community, and this year was no different. We will deeply miss the students in the Class of 2024. We are proud of their achievements thus far. We pray that their lives will be full of grace, truth, joy, and faith as they move on from Pacifica.

Posted in the category Pacifica Life.