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Club Spotlight - The WolfPost

January 26th, 2024

The WolfPost is Pacifica’s student-run digital newspaper that reports on anything from school events to opinion pieces.

“In school, I think it’s easy to get burnt out from all the essays,” said Bella Lingel, co editor-in-chief of the WolfPost. “I think the WolfPost is a space where people can have fun with their articles by writing with more personality about things they feel passionately about.” 

Most students who join this club are interested in writing, however there are also members who are more focused on photography or web design which provides a range of talent within the club. This year, there are about 30 active members, led by two senior editor-in-chiefs– Bella Lingel and Zane Worth. The students meet twice a month on average to check in on article progress and brainstorm new ideas.This year, they began posting articles on a rolling basis, as opposed to periodic releases of multiple articles, which means that new articles are posted every week or so.

The WolfPost covers major school events such as school celebrations, PacArts productions, and sports games in addition to student-centered articles such as parking, dresscode, and other school happenings. They also put out opinion pieces where students can pitch ideas to write about anything that interests them, from pop culture to social commentary. Two Pacifica first years even published an opinion article earlier this semester reflecting on their freshman experience as Seawolves so far. Stories are based on what the student writers are interested in and what’s relevant at the moment, whether it’s at school or in the media.

Within the club, there is a team of editors that are assigned to look over articles from specific writers. Bella also reviews each article once it has undergone editing as a last-minute check, and then sends it off for a final go-ahead from Mr. Hirsch, our Associate Head of School for Student Affairs. Editing articles usually involves formatting them in a specific way (font, spacing, etc.) and adjusting instances of awkward wording. The team then uses a template on SquareSpace to publish articles to the WolfPost website. They add tags to each story so that they are categorized based on topic and can be found easily on the site.

Bella Lingel has been a member of the WolfPost all four years of high school, and originally chose to join because of her love of English. She wanted to find a way to write in any way she could.

“I’ve grown to love the opportunity writing articles gives me to show more personality than I would in an academic paper,” she said. “I didn’t know anything about writing articles, and have learned a lot through the process.”

Bella also said that her favorite part of this club is the way the newspaper reflects all the unique writers that we have at Pacifica. She loves reading over the stories and seeing someone’s personality and interests put on display. Her favorite article that she’s written was her reflection on our All-School Retreat this past year because it was fun to give her perspective on this experience as a senior, and interview other seniors about their Retreat experience.

Posted in the category Pacifica Life.