“For the past 20 years, it has been a privilege to serve as Pacifica’s founding Head of School. Each day I have a front-row seat as I observe the lives of a wonderful group of teenagers and am blessed to see them grow into mature young adults prepared for college and beyond.”

Pacifica Christian High School is a community woven together so students can thrive. It is a community composed of leaders, scientists, writers, athletes, artists, and philosophers and supported by staff and parents who work together so that students can develop a bold and courageous vision for the future. At Pacifica, we set the foundation for building lives of meaning, purpose, and virtue.

It is a privilege and a joy for me to come to Pacifica each day to team up with educators who are passionate about teaching, well trained in their craft, mature in their Christian faith, and excited to work with high school students. The collaboration of this special group of people, helping each student discover the person God designed them to be, is what unifies us. It is what brings excitement and energy to each Monday morning as we look forward to the week ahead.

No one is anonymous at Pacifica. Students are known. The teaching staff at Pacifica is highly relational and involved in their students’ lives, partnering with parents to guide and lead students as they build lives, not merely resumes. From the all-school retreat and the faculty–student lunch program, to cheering students on at a game or simply taking the time to ask, “How are you doing?” the faculty is committed to living authentic lives that are examples of faith, character, and service to the glory of God.

The commitment to academic rigor and relationship in a setting that integrates Christian faith makes Pacifica unique. Students are challenged to ask important questions, work hard in the classroom, and discover the joy of learning. As they move through their high school years, students are encouraged to have fun, take risks, explore, love others, listen, and live in community as we strive together to think and live well.

For the past 20 years, it has been a privilege to serve as Pacifica’s founding Head of School. Each day I have a front-row seat as I observe the lives of a wonderful group of teenagers and am blessed to see them grow into mature young adults prepared for college and beyond. There are so many meaningful stories to tell about our students—stories that signify the fulfillment of an inspired vision and stories of lives changed and dreams fulfilled.

I welcome you to Pacifica and hope that you will become part of a wonderful story.

James M. Knight
Head of School

James M. Knight, Head of School
James M. Knight
Head of School