Meet Erick Streelman, Pacifica's New Principal
August 25th, 2023
Erick Streelman grew up in Cerritos, California surrounded by a strong Christian family that he says “truly embodied and committed to the ‘it takes a village’ mantra.” In addition to his home life, the two other pillars of formation in Mr. Streelman’s upbringing were Emmanuel Church in Paramount and Valley Christian School in Cerritos. Within these communities, he was able to see faith lived out in community and modeled by the adults in his life who included teachers, coaches, mentors, and friends. While Mr. Streelman’s parents were the most instrumental in the cultivation of his faith, his journey would not be the same without the positive influence from the other caring adults in his life.
“My faith became my own because I was given a foundation and the tools to think critically,” says Mr. Streelman. “When I chose education, I knew that I wanted to help students and families to experience something similar.”
This year, Mr. Streelman is most excited to build relationships within the Pacifica community with students, staff, faculty, and families. He is already making an impact around school by greeting students at the gate in the morning, roaming campus during lunch, and making sure his open-door policy is well-known among the student body.
As students journey through high school at Pacifica, Mr. Streelman most wants them to know that “their identity is not rooted in their performance. They are made in the image of God. From that truth will flow everything else about them. So, we strive for greatness not because we want to become something. We strive for greatness out of response to who we already are.”
In his free time, Mr. Streelman and his wife Erica love to travel. Additionally, he enjoys running, often with his dog at his side. He is also a self-proclaimed golf addict, and is a sports fanatic all around. We are blessed to have Erick join the Pacifica team, and are excited for an amazing year!
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