Meet Mia Heimer, Pacifica Sophomore
May 5th, 2023
Mia Heimer is finishing up her sophomore year at Pacifica, and has been taking full advantage of her high school experience. She is involved in several clubs and activities at our school, including being an active member of the theater department, playing on our girl’s basketball team, serving as a mentor and ambassador, co-leading an inclusive school club called the Trevor Project, and volunteering in a project to improve the school’s bathroom facilities. All of these activities, paired with dedication to her academics, are just some of the things that make Mia an outstanding Seawolf.
Mia is a light around campus—always willing to help out with school events, engage in genuine conversation, and welcome newcomers into her circle of friends. She was initially drawn to Pacifica because of its size and tight knit environment. However, like most students, coming to high school and finding her community took some adjustment.
“When I first came to Pacifica I was scared that I wasn’t going to be able to make friends, but I ended up finding a core friend group that keeps on expanding.”
In addition to adjusting socially, Mia has overcome challenges with balancing her busy schedule and demanding classes. With help from teachers, and a drive to succeed, she has learned how to not become overwhelmed and how to stay on track with her academics. She says that “as a sophomore she has mastered time management and study skills.” While acquiring these skills, she has also found a love for engineering and abstract painting. However, Mia’s favorite class at Pacifica so far has been Biology.
“I loved the way the class was taught, and I hopefully plan to go into the sciences when I graduate. Mrs. Geiger is one of my favorite teachers.”
Mia is very involved in Pacifica’s theater program, primarily helping backstage and serving on set crew. Set crew involves helping with anything to do with physical aspects of the show, which includes set building, constructing or sourcing props, painting/designing the set and props, making/acquiring costumes, and more. All of these things come together during tech week, which is one of the most important times for a performance since the set comes together throughout the week. Mia’s main role usually involves helping with the set, props, and occasionally lighting and sound.
“I love to be on set crew for performing arts because we get a lot of hands-on experience.”
Mia also has participated in Pacifica’s travel program. She recently joined us on the Spring Break trip to Paris and Normandy, which she said was one of her favorite and most memorable parts of the year. “Some of my favorite parts of the trip were seeing the fluffy Normande cows, eating the fresh croissants, and seeing the beautiful architecture,” said Mia. “The most valuable part of the trip in my opinion was Monet’s house. The images of its beautifully different color schemes and the breathtaking gardens are forever burned into my memory.”
Mia is a true joy to have on campus, and has displayed wonderful growth and exploration since becoming a Seawolf. We can’t wait to see what else she accomplishes during her time at Pacifica!
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